TANTE EHUANG may not realize that they are being toxic to you. They may think that they ARE being supportive, caring, compassionate, and everything a good friend should be. So talking to your friend may be a viable solution to the problem. But if you think that you are past that then you have every right to remove a toxic friend from your life. It's your life!

TANTE EHUANG can relate cutting out a toxic friend to breaking up with someone. Your friend will try to make you feel bad or hurt. They will be shocked that you no longer want to be friends. They may beg you to take them back. They may scream and get angry or they may turn their back on you and walk away. All of these reactions should be expected because your friend is not going to see it coming - especially if they are caught up in their own world.

After the 'breakup' your friend will probably try to contact you and repair the relationship. At this point you have to remember that your friendship has not changed any - it's just become broken and your friend wants you back. That doesn't mean the dynamics of your friendship will change. It will be the same because the issues that were there have not been resolved. Jumping back into the friendship will not do any good.

You may want to see counseling together if you really want your friend back. A counsellor may be able to help you and your friend relate in a whole new way. But if you do not want to fix the relationship then be strong and let your friend know that you no longer wish to stay in the friendship. Eventually they will get the picture and leave you alone.


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  2. Hai gue ryan mahasiswa 23 tahun. hubungin gue ya 5521ABF8.. thank you :)
