TANTE MINGZHU many lengthy relationships have seemingly survived on romance alone; and, the same can be said - although much less often - of those sharing intimacy. The likelihood is that those relationships that have endured continue to observe and appreciate the simple joys and the respect found primarily in platonic relationships.

Misunderstandings - created by differing wants or needs or by differing interpretations - happen often and easily and can damage the trust that is the foundation of your relationship. Those wants or needs should be expressed early, often, and clearly to ensure that mutual relationship desires have been identified and agreed upon.

The three levels of 'affection':

Like, Love, and Lust are clearly very different levels of affection and should be foremost in your thought process when building relationships. Do not assume that your desires are either understood or mutual; and, at no time and under no circumstance should expectations be created without first verbally identifying your desired level of affection.


  1. lw tnte butuh d tmenin hbgi aq z.087781791028/083877807344.
    aq d jkrta.

  2. Tante Hub aku yah 081312027684

  3. Hai gue ryan mahasiswa 23 tahun. hubungin gue ya 5521ABF8.. thank you :)

  4. Klo kakak mau d tmanie ceting dri FB aj aku ya ;)
    Nie FB ku f.reverbnation@yahoo.com
