Romantic - a very close relationship between friends TANTE LILING are physically and/or spiritually attracted to each other; words of deep affection and passion are spoken frequently, and interaction often involves a degree of physical closeness such as holding hands and cuddling, but not necessarily including sexual contact.

Intimate - a particularly close relationship defined by these characteristics: enduring behavioral interdependence, repeated interactions, emotional attachment, and need fulfillment. Intimate relationships consist of the people that we are attracted to, like and/or love, and those we are comfortable sharing sexual relations and passionate expression with.

Platonic relationships are simple enough to manage and seldom become complicated; they grow and are carried along by a respectful, continuous, and mutual choice to share the uncomplicated joy of another's company.

Before engaging in romantic or intimate behaviors, take the time to be certain that you and your friend are of like-mind. While intimacy and romance sound very similar in their connotations, - and are often intertwined - the expectations for each and the levels of trust desired or needed may be very different from person to person.


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